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Aparatul primarului

aparatul primarului

Primarul are in subordinea sa un aparat propriu ce comunica cu locuitorii comunei....

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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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pdf Ofertă vânzare Moldregenerabile SA Popular

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Ofertă vânzare - Moldregenerabile SA.pdf

pdf Ofertă vânzare Fotache Flavia Alexandra Popular

By 233 downloads

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Ofertă vânzare - Fotache Flavia Alexandra.pdf

pdf Oferta vanzare teren Dinu Tasia Popular

By 280 downloads

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Oferta vanzare teren Dinu Tasia.pdf

pdf Oferat de vanzare teren Zodieru Luminiţa Popular

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Oferat de vanzare teren Zodieru Luminiţa.pdf

pdf 1444 Necula Ion Popular

By 296 downloads

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1444 - Necula Ion.pdf

pdf 1440 Necula Ion Popular

By 277 downloads

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1440 - Necula Ion.pdf

pdf 1436 Sevescu Viorel Popular

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1436 - Sevescu Viorel.pdf

pdf 1408 Mititelu Simion Popular

By 321 downloads

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1408 - Mititelu Simion.pdf

pdf 1404 Mititelu Simion Popular

By 270 downloads

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1404 - Mititelu Simion.pdf

pdf 1400 Mititelu Simion Popular

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1400 - Mititelu Simion.pdf

pdf 1396 Mititelu Simion Popular

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1396 - Mititelu Simion.pdf

pdf 1372 Stanciu Mihai Popular

By 308 downloads

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1372 - Stanciu Mihai.pdf

pdf 1368 Stanciu Mihai Popular

By 278 downloads

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1368 - Stanciu Mihai.pdf

pdf Anunt vanzare teren Popular

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Anunt vanzare teren.pdf

pdf 1288 Comunicare de acceptare Iordache Nusa Eduard I I Popular

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1288 - Comunicare de acceptare Iordache Nusa-Eduard I.I..pdf

pdf 1280 Comunicare de acceptare Interagroaliment SRL Popular

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1280 - Comunicare de acceptare Interagroaliment SRL.pdf

pdf 1276 Comunicare de acceptare Interagroaliment SRL Popular

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1276 - Comunicare de acceptare Interagroaliment SRL.pdf

pdf Comunicare de acceptare Enache Morărit SRL Popular

By 425 downloads

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Comunicare de acceptare - Enache-Morărit SRL.pdf

pdf 1268 Sava G Ioniţă Popular

By 352 downloads

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1268 - Sava G. Ioniţă.pdf

pdf Oferta vanzare teren Vasilache Constantin Popular

By 366 downloads

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Oferta vanzare teren Vasilache Constantin.pdf

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